This bundle will satisfy county and circuit mediators that did not attend any live events and need the full 16 hours and includes the following presentations:
PL2 – (IPV) Cybersecurity for Mediators – Christopher Hopkins (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)A4 – (G) Leadership Skills for Mediators: The Thomas-Killman Conflict Resolution Model - Tee Persad (1.5 CME Credits General)A5 – (E) Mind the Gap: Ethical and Complete Family Agreements - Veronica Jackson, Kate Marshman (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)A11 – (IPV) Yes! Human Trafficking is Here in Your World: Identifying & Disrupting Modern-Day Slavery– Lisa Haba (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)B3 – (G) Neutralizing the Impasse: The Mediator's Guide to Settlement - Alan Nisberg (1.5 CME Credits General)B5 – (E) The Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators: An In-Depth Discussion – David Wolfson (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)C2 – (G) Organizational Ombuds: Facilitating Resolution of Workplace Conflicts – Steven Prevaux (1.5 CME Credits General)D2 – (G) Does Practice Make Perfect? Three Tips for Improving Settlements – Michael Lang (1.5 CME Credits General)D5 – (G) Mediating the Mind: Understanding How Mental Health Affects Mediation - Dr. Rick Adams (1.5 CME Credits General)D6 – (CD) Neutrality Beyond Bias: Implicit Bias in Mediation - Megan Moshell Santiago, Tiffany Ruggiero (1.5 CME Credits Cultural Diversity)D9 – (E) Straight from the Source: Mediation Do's and Don'ts...from the Party's and Litigator's Perspectives! (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)
This bundle will satisfy family and dependency mediators that did not attend any live events and need the full 16 hours and includes the following presentations:
PL2 – (IPV) Cybersecurity for Mediators – Christopher Hopkins (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)A4 – (G) Leadership Skills for Mediators: The Thomas-Killman Conflict Resolution Model - Tee Persad (1.5 CME Credits General)A5 – (E) Mind the Gap: Ethical and Complete Family Agreements - Veronica Jackson, Kate Marshman (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)A11 – (IPV) Yes! Human Trafficking is Here in Your World: Identifying & Disrupting Modern-Day Slavery– Lisa Haba (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)B3 – (G) Neutralizing the Impasse: The Mediator's Guide to Settlement - Alan Nisberg (1.5 CME Credits General)B5 – (E) The Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators: An In-Depth Discussion – David Wolfson (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)C2 – (G) Organizational Ombuds: Facilitating Resolution of Workplace Conflicts – Steven Prevaux (1.5 CME Credits General)D2 – (G) Does Practice Make Perfect? Three Tips for Improving Settlements – Michael Lang (1.5 CME Credits General)D6 – (CD) Neutrality Beyond Bias: Implicit Bias in Mediation - Megan Moshell Santiago, Tiffany Ruggiero (1.5 CME Credits Cultural Diversity)D8 – (IPV) Respect Your Elders: Families, Elders, Abuse, Exploitation, and Eldercaring Coordination - Karen Campbell, Linda Fieldstone, Kim Torres (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)D9 – (E) Straight from the Source: Mediation Do's and Don'ts...from the Party's and Litigator's Perspectives! (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)
This bundle will satisfy county and circuit mediators that do not need the full 16 hours and includes the following presentations:
PL2 – (IPV) Cybersecurity for Mediators – Christopher Hopkins (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)A5 – (E) Mind the Gap: Ethical and Complete Family Agreements - Veronica Jackson, Kate Marshman (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)A11 – (IPV) Yes! Human Trafficking is Here in Your World: Identifying & Disrupting Modern-Day Slavery– Lisa Haba (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)B5 – (E) The Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators: An In-Depth Discussion – David Wolfson (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)D6 – (CD) Neutrality Beyond Bias: Implicit Bias in Mediation - Megan Moshell Santiago, Tiffany Ruggiero (1.5 CME Credits Cultural Diversity)D9 – (E) Straight from the Source: Mediation Do's and Don'ts...from the Party's and Litigator's Perspectives! (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)
This bundle will satisfy family and dependency mediators that do not need the full 16 hours and includes the following presentations:
PL2 – (IPV) Cybersecurity for Mediators – Christopher Hopkins (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)A5 – (E) Mind the Gap: Ethical and Complete Family Agreements - Veronica Jackson, Kate Marshman (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)A11 – (IPV) Yes! Human Trafficking is Here in Your World: Identifying & Disrupting Modern-Day Slavery– Lisa Haba (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)B5 – (E) The Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators: An In-Depth Discussion – David Wolfson (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)D6 – (CD) Neutrality Beyond Bias: Implicit Bias in Mediation - Megan Moshell Santiago, Tiffany Ruggiero (1.5 CME Credits Cultural Diversity)D8 – (IPV) Respect Your Elders: Families, Elders, Abuse, Exploitation, and Eldercaring Coordination - Karen Campbell, Linda Fieldstone, Kim Torres (1.5 CME Credits Interpersonal Violence)D9 – (E) Straight from the Source: Mediation Do's and Don'ts...from the Party's and Litigator's Perspectives! (1.5 CME Credits Ethics)
Sometimes seen as competitors, mediation and Collaborative practice have many similarities, but there are also some clear-cut differences. In a highly interactive, engaged conversation, this workshop compares and contrasts Collaborative practice and mediation, considers hybrid models, explores ways in which principles and techniques of each form of ADR can be applied to the other, and examines how mediators and Collaborative professionals are natural referral bases to one another.
Dispensing justice fairly, efficiently, and accurately is the cornerstone of the American justice system. Policies and practices that deny persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) meaningful access to court proceedings undermine that cornerstone. Courts may not limit language services to the courtroom. LEP persons must be provided meaningful access to all court proceedings including services provided by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Program.
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This workshop will explore, with audience interaction, the real-life ethical dilemmas and practical quandaries that mediators often encounter as part of the mediation process. Some scenarios present multiple ethical issues, requiring the mediator to juggle standards of conduct that may seem at odds with one another. The goals include: providing an approach to the analysis of difficult situations, aiding in the recognition of ethical issues, balancing sometimes conflicting interests and standards, and fashioning solutions consistent with ethical standards.
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The parties said "That's a deal," but the details haven't been discussed.This interactive workshop will teach you how to spot common gaps in a family agreement that frustrate parties and prevent enforcement. Participants will practice filling in the gaps of a sample agreement and open the rule book to identify the ethical pitfalls of unclear and incomplete agreements. It's time to take your mediation skills to the next level in this in-depth ethics and contract writing workshop.
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When should the appointment of a receiver be considered among the various alternative dispute resolution strategies available? An overview on receiverships, including the roles and types of receiverships, ethical considerations, qualifications of a receiver, and legal and equitable authority for the appointment of a receiver will be discussed. Procedural aspects, pre-appointment issues, the engagement of professionals, locating of assets, the receiver's neutrality, funding of the estate, and how the appointment of a receiver can alter the dynamic of the underlying dispute will also be addressed.
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This workshop will focus on the use of practical tools to add to the county court mediator's skill set. The effective use of questions in the mediation process in order to engage the parties without intimidation, the use of caucus and what to do with the information derived from caucus, and interactive discussions on these topics while maintaining ethical boundaries in the process.
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This presentation will review the MEAC opinions relating to conflict of Interest and engage in an interactive discussion regarding Rule 10.340 and how the Ethics Committee has interpreted the Conflict of Interest Rule in the context of various scenarios.
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This presentation will address how to understand the unspoken emotional ties to various assets, difficulties affecting settlement, and how to identify and address alternatives in divorce settlement. Other topics to be addressed include real estate, the family pet, and overlooked assets like marital belongings, contents of the marital residence, artwork, gifts, and furniture as they come into play in the divorce process.
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With high stakes, high cost litigation, third party funders are becoming more involved in decisions related to litigation strategy, and ultimately have a say in settlement decisions. Let us discuss how this affects our abilities as mediators to resolve matters. What are the potential conflicts concerns? How does the neutral ferret out the potential existence and interests of those third party funders? What are the potential conflicts between the parties and third parties funding their litigation? These are the issues that will be discussed in this presentation.
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Human trafficking is talked about a lot in the media, but many incorrect myths are being dispersed because they are sensational. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and exploits victims both sexually and through labor. This workshop seeks to help mediators understand how human trafficking and modern day slavery may look. It will explain how a victim gets recruited and then stuck in the world of trafficking, and it will identify the warning signs. Mediators may encounter victims and need to know what to look for, how to identify a victim, and what to do if they find one.
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It is especially important for ADR trainers and educators to be aware of opportunities to expand ADR education into new markets. In this highly interactive exchange, participants will have the opportunity to review trends and emerging opportunities in the field, as well as exchange best practices in ADR training and education. The presenters will explore training methodologies and tips ranging from engaging various audiences and enriching presentation skills to creating lessons learned from small group activities and role plays.
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The Florida Bar ADR Section presents Be an Ethics Millionaire! Utilizing the format of multiple choice questions and lifelines in the style of the gameshow "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," this highly-interactive workshop is designed to sharpen your ethics skills in an entertaining format. Audience members will participate as contestants, selected at random, to answer questions based on applying mediator ethics rules to a variety of scenarios drawn from actual mediation experiences and MEAC-based hypotheticals.
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This course will address a variety of methods that a mediator may utilize to encourage negotiations and avert impasse. It is intended to expand the skill set of mediators, attorneys, claim professionals, risk managers, and other mediation participants (including clients) to improve their negotiation techniques. This presentation begins with essential pre-mediation assessments, mediation summaries, and then the mediation process. The biggest component is the final section which provides a detailed array of specific tactics to most effectively bring the parties to a negotiated agreement.
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Volunteers will be given various scenario's and will conduct a caucus. Then the audience will provide feedback and ideas for improvement. The presenter will moderate and direct the process to include a discussion of ethical requirements and use of effective techniques to allow participants to gain the most benefit, including case insights, from their caucus and the mediation in general.
Each of the Rules for Certified and Court Appointed will be fully discussed with examples of how they work and war stories of what happens when they are not followed. MEAC opinions will be added, along with the importance of ethics in mediation. Audience participation will be encouraged.
This workshop will review the 2018-2019 MEAC opinions that were published, explain them, and help mediators to understand the practical implications of them. Specifically, we will give participants an inside look at how the MEAC came to each decision, why the MEAC opinions were decided the way they were, and how mediators can avoid the ethical problems addressed in each opinion.
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Gain insight into the rapidly developing field of "alternate ADR" in the context of conflict resolution within complex organizations. Learn from a fellow mediator and former university general counsel exactly what an Organizational Ombuds is and how they facilitate resolution of workplace conflicts. A Certified Organizational Ombuds Practitioner will guide you in an engaging discussion surveying: the costs of conflict in organizations, the organizational ombuds role for "in-house" conflict resolution, understanding your conflict communication style, and the application of conflict dynamics in mediation.
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Appellate mediation is different. Appellate practitioners are only going to hire someone to mediate their appeal if the mediator genuinely understands what is going on at the appellate level. It's not just about going back and forth with numbers. It's knowing what the appellate court could do and what that means after the appeal. It's not about saying "we don't know what a judge/jury is going to do." Actually, we do, and that changes everything. Are you able to discuss the real costs of an appeal, what the standards of review are, and what's preservation? If not, you need to attend this!
Experience alone does not produce competence. Repetition leads to acting on auto pilot Mastery is achieved when we use our experiences as learning opportunities. We work in a bubble. We have little if any basis for understanding whether and why our actions were responsive or ineffective. There are limited opportunities for collegial support and input. Most of us are solitary beasts, prowling the savannahs of conflict, not part of a pack.Participants will learn three easy-to-use tools for turning puzzling practice experiences into opportunities to become more resilient and effective.
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While Rule for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators 10.690 (b) provides that "An experienced mediator should cooperate in training new mediators, including serving as a mentor," little training is provided on how to be an effective mentor or roleplay critiquer. This workshop will present techniques for enhancing mediator performance by promoting reflective inquiry, brain storming, analysis and implementation. Workshop participants will be given the opportunity to discuss difficult cases and learn effective mentoring techniques.
With the ever increasing number of seniors moving to Florida, the need for Elder Law Mediators is also increasing. Resolving guardianship contests is particularly important due to the dependence of the vulnerable wards. Mediators can play an important role in diffusing family bitterness to bring the parties together in deciding on the proper plans for care of the ward and for the wise investment of the ward's funds.
This much needed seminar presentation focuses on identifying and recognizing mental health behaviors that develop and often manifest during the mediation process. Participants will be made aware of the psychological factors that can negatively affect or hinder successful mediation. This seminar will discuss and explore both the psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches, which can be utilized to deal with and understand the mental and emotional barriers that often derail and obstruct mediation.
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This workshop will examine implicit bias with a look at applicable statistical and real life examples found in your everyday mediation. Participants will explore the key elements in mediation neutrality while examining their own implicit biases. Together, they will achieve growing awareness, exploring cognitive resources and exposing and enhancing practice through discussion and self-reflection.
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This workshop is designed to assist the mediator facing sessions replete with roadblocks to forward progress and constraints on time. Attendees will gain some tools for navigating through the challenges and mediating as efficiently as possible, while ensuring fairness and preserving the parties' right of self-determination. Although this workshop will be presented through the lens of a family mediation, the challenges explored and methods shared are universal to all mediators.
A facilitated panel of executives, practitioners, and academics discuss take-aways from the ABA Dispute Resolution Section's 2017 study, AAA's 2018 national survey of advocates, and other research in mediation. Ethical implications of parties' preferred techniques will be considered in terms of the Florida Rules for Certified Mediators, Chapter 44, and MEAC Opinions. Mediators shouldn't miss this interactive opportunity to learn how to ethically navigate parties' preferences at mediation!
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Mediation proponents and courts describe mediation as both an integral part of litigation and a process in which mediators help parties communicate to come to their own customized resolution. However, most courts do not know how many cases they refer to mediation and with what effects, and recent mediator surveys suggest increased use of caucus and reduced direct party communication. What are the effects on parties--and on the courts--when parties' experience in mediation fails to match what they understood (and what the court said) the process would be? And how should mediators respond?
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Cybersecurity is a critical concept for mediators because the risk of data breach exists for litigants and parties as well as for the mediator's own business. This session will introduce real-life examples of how companies are hacked, the nature of these disputes from the intrusion event itself and into litigation, and will provide some hands-on examples of how mediators can protect themselves and their practice.
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This year’s Ethics Plenary: ODR Principles will focus on methods of online dispute resolution (ODR) being used in court systems and private providers across the United States. The plenary will feature a demonstration of a mediation conducted on live video conferencing and a panel discussion of mediator ethical issues arising from the use of ODR.